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∎ PDF Missing Sharon Sala 9780778324034 Books

Missing Sharon Sala 9780778324034 Books

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Download PDF Missing Sharon Sala 9780778324034 Books

Missing Sharon Sala 9780778324034 Books

I enjoyed this book. But one problem I had was the really quick ending that just seemed to stop the story before some questions were answered. So be prepared.

Read Missing Sharon Sala 9780778324034 Books

Tags : Missing [Sharon Sala] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Missing by Sharon Sala released on Apr 25, 2006 is available now for purchase.,Sharon Sala,Missing,MIRA,0778324036,6589189,10001031,115026X,20060501,707220,AMERICAN LIGHT ROMANTIC FICTION,FICTION Romance General,FICTION Romance Suspense,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction-Romance,General Adult,MASS MARKET,Romance - Suspense,RomanceGeneral,Romantic Suspense,United States,West Virginia

Missing Sharon Sala 9780778324034 Books Reviews

I enjoy her true to life stories. She makes it difficult to put the story down. A good read for anyone.
It was fast moving and a different story line. A lot of insight into the problems of returning vets when they return from war.
I love all Ms Sala's books. It was so sad when Wes was lost. When he found Ally, I cheered. All the books Ms Sala writes are emotion packed. I couldn't put it down, couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next. I have read each book written by Sharon Sala & Dinah McCall and each one is a keeper. If you haven't already read her books, I urge you to do so, you won't regret it.
This was a very interesting story. It gives an insight into some problems that our military suffer when they come back from a war. It shows how different environments affect people, whether they live in the city or in rural areas. It shows how even in a small town, greed can show up, to spoil a small town. All together it was a great book, there was love, compassion for other people, the will to survive.
Good read, entertaining but nothing great.
Sharon has always been one of my favorite authors. Couldn't put this one down till I finished it. Now to find another one of her books I haven't read.
The book starts very dynamically, describing an officer who has only recently returned from a mission in Iraq and still suffers from PTSD. He realizes that he has offered himself completely to the military but has missed his wife and even more so the growing up of his little son. Sala describes how the father, Wes Holden, gets himself and his little family ready to return to the military base, where something horrible happens, which results in Wes losing his wife and son.

This part of the book was very emotional, the scenes between father and son described in an absolutely moving way. When disaster stroke and Wes loses his family I was close to crying. Very well done!

After being catatonic for some time, Wes plans and escapes a greedy family member who tries to financially exploit his situation. He starts wandering around and ends up in a forgotten place somewhere in West Virginia. So far so good, because after his arrival in that forgotten place, the book takes a downward slope dreams come true, spiritual elements and visions as well as a lot of religious citations made me think that this is a book belonging to the category of Christian literature. In any case, the romance between Wes and Ally was very chaste, except for one scene where I had the impression that the author tried to escape the label of Christian literature by any means.

The suspense part of the book was unimpressive and amateurish. Surely this book had a lot of potential, which according to my opinion wasn't fully exploited. The end was entirely unelaborated and completely rushed as if the necessary page numbers were delivered and there was no more space to be filled. What a pity!
I enjoyed this book. But one problem I had was the really quick ending that just seemed to stop the story before some questions were answered. So be prepared.
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