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Eternal More Love Stories with Bite P C Cast 9781935618010 Books

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Eternal More Love Stories with Bite P C Cast 9781935618010 Books

This is turning out to be a very disappointing book. I like P C Cast as a writer but this book doesn't live up to her other books. I can honestly say I've read all her books up to now and this one I could have by past. Never know till you actually read a book I guess. Not enjoyable as all the others.

Read Eternal More Love Stories with Bite P C Cast 9781935618010 Books

Tags : Eternal: More Love Stories with Bite [P. C. Cast] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <div> Immortal: Love Stories With Bite</i>, edited by P.C. Cast (author of the #1 New York Times phenomenon House of Night series),P. C. Cast,Eternal: More Love Stories with Bite,Smart Pop,1935618016,9781935618010,Fantasy - General,Romance - General,Horror stories,Horror tales, American,Horror tales, American.,Love,Love stories, American,Paranormal romance stories,Romance fiction, American.,Short stories,Short stories, American,Vampires,Vampires;Fiction.,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fantasy & Magic,Fantasy & magical realism (Children's Teenage),Fiction,Fiction-Short Stories (multiple authors),JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Fantasy & Magic,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,ReadingsAnthologiesCollected Works,TEEN'S FICTION FANTASY,TEEN'S FICTION ROMANCE,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Short Stories,Young Adult Fiction

Eternal More Love Stories with Bite P C Cast 9781935618010 Books Reviews

Eternal More Love Stories with Bite is the follow up to yesterday's review of Immortal Love Stories With Bite. P C Cast has gathered another group of talented authors in a collection of vampire-related stories. Claudia Gray, Rachel Caine and Nancy Holder also contributed to the first anthology, with Lili St. Crow, Heather Brewer and Jeri Smith-Ready rounding out the group.

The anthology opens with "Bloodshed--A Story of Evernight" by Claudia Gray. I've stated previously that I had not read the Evernight series, but this second short story from the series has me curious. Patrice, from the short story in Immortal Love Stories With Bite, is in love with a human who is being shipped overseas during WWII. She finds out that he has been captured and is being held prisoner by the Nazis. She goes to Europe to rescue him, but ends up with a lot more than she bargained for.

The next story "Say Yes" by Lili St. Crow is a fascinating tale of a girl whose image of herself as being in the background of life leads her to take action that she seriously regrets later. She truly can't believe that she is special enough to have been chosen over her popular friends and betrays someone who could have been important to her. I'd love to see what happens to her after this story, but couldn't find any hint of a connection to this story in any of the books on Lili St. Crow's website. Although, I do think I'll be looking into adding some of her work to my to-be-read list.

"Letters to Romeo" by Nancy Holder is an interesting twist to Shakespeare's classic tale of star-crossed lovers. Romeo hasn't died, he is a vampire who has waited for 700 years for his Juliet to return to him. He believes he has found her in a 15 year old girl from Florida, whom he plans to turn in order to spend eternity with her. But, the tragedy of his tale still clings to him...

Heather Brewer's "The Other Side" tells the story of Tarrah & Cody, lovers who are kidnapped and held together in a small room while awaiting their captors. The twist at the end was one I didn't see coming though, and the 'myths' mentioned in her story are really interesting.

Two of my favorite authors round out the book Rachel Caine and Jeri Smith-Ready. Rachel Caine provides another story of the Morganville vampires with "Drama Queen's Last Dance" or, as I like to think of it, All About Eve. Eve is what brought me to the Morganville vampires series, having read
"The First Day of the Rest of Your Life" in Many Bloody Returns. This time a new vampire in town has her sites on Michael, and Eve, despite being told by everyone that it's lost cause, is determined to break Gloriana's spell. Eve is an awesome character, strong and self-confident, but still showing some of the normal insecurities of being young. This story is a great showcase for her character.

"Thief" by Jeri Smith-Ready has me chomping at the bit for the next WVMP book! The story introduces us to Cassie & Liam, who are "Irish Travelers" and I believe Cassie is a relative of Ciara from the WVMP series. However, as highly as I recommend the WVMP series, you don't have to have read it to enjoy Cassie's story. Cassie and Liam are engaged and inseparable. Unlike most Traveler girls, Cassie is in love with her betrothed. Her father wanted her to be happy and promised her to Liam, despite his disabilities. Unfortunately, her father is dead and her step-father is threatening to tear Cassie and Liam apart by promising her to another. Cassie is determined to be with Liam no matter what, even if it means being dead to her own family. "Thief" is listed as a tie-in story to the WVMP series on Jeri Smith-Ready's website and I can't wait to see how she and Liam fit into Lust for Life, due out in fall 2012.

I've mentioned before how much I love anthologies I get introduced to new authors that write about a subject I'm already interested in reading and I get little tidbits to tide me over until the next offering in a series I enjoy. Eternal More Love Stories with Bite provides all of this in some really cool vampire stories )

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As a follow-up to her first young adult anthology, editor P.C. Cast brings together six more short stories of vampire romance in Eternal More Love Stories with Bite from some of the most popular young adult paranormal authors today, including Claudia Gray, Lili St. Crow, Nancy Holder, Heather Brewer, Rachel Caine, and Jeri Smith-Ready.

"Bloodshed" by Claudia Gray - Like her contribution in the first anthology, Gray uses her tale to provide back story about the trials of love and vampirism that Patrice (of her Evernight series) has endured before the present day. I liked the war theme and the return of Patrice but it wasn't overwhelming. 3/5

"Say Yes" by Lili St. Crow - This story employs a gritty and vulgar style reminiscent of Holly Black to examine what can go terribly wrong at a drunken teen party where darker forces lurk. Though chilling, the tale lacked any romance or love, though the anthology's name suggests that readers should expect otherwise. 3/5

"Letters to Romeo" by Nancy Holder - In an interesting reconception of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo has been pining away for his lost love for 700 years and thinks he has found her in a modern girl. While the potential was there, a rushed and unexpected ending and a lack of connection with the vampire Romeo left me unmoved. 2/5

"The Other Side" by Heather Brewer - Unrelated to her Vladimir Tod world, this story details what happens to two teen lovers who wake up in a dark cell to find themselves bound and being drained of their blood. The story was set up well to make the twist surprising, but it didn't move it past being merely interesting. 3/5

"Drama Queen's Last Dance" by Rachel Caine - Set in Caine's Morganville Vampires universe, this story details Eve's fight to keep Michael's affection when a sultry vamp shows up in town. Because it was set in an established world, little work was done to build the characters or their relationships, and I didn't like the voice or style. 2/5

"Thief" by Jeri Smith-Ready - By far the best story in the bunch, "Thief" draws readers into a world where Travelers steal to make a living and old-school betrothals still happen, despite the power of real love to insist otherwise. This story created a fascinating world and endearing, sympathetic characters quickly and effectively; I would love to read more set in this universe. 4.5/5

While I enjoy short story anthologies and the opportunity they present to sample multiple authors, ETERNAL MORE LOVE STORIES WITH BITE didn't have anything to make it stand out from similar books. Only one story ("Thief" by Jeri Smith-Ready) really stuck with me and the rest were interesting but not memorable. In addition, this book had only six stories, two fewer than its predecessor, and it wasted space on another rambling and patronizing introduction from Cast. If you're willing to branch out into other paranormal creatures in search of a good anthology, I would heartily recommend Love Is Hell instead.
Love Stories with more bite was an awesome book. I enjoyed it reading it and some of the stories left you wanting more )
I have read almost every book written by P. C. Cast and am happy to have them in my personal library.
This is turning out to be a very disappointing book. I like P C Cast as a writer but this book doesn't live up to her other books. I can honestly say I've read all her books up to now and this one I could have by past. Never know till you actually read a book I guess. Not enjoyable as all the others.
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