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[UON]≫ Libro Gratis Deception Vampires in America D B Reynolds 9781611945898 Books

Deception Vampires in America D B Reynolds 9781611945898 Books

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Deception Vampires in America D B Reynolds 9781611945898 Books

In the ninth Vampires in America book, Cyn cleans up Hawaii after a trio of European vampires fires the first salvo in the upcoming Vampire war. Once again, she shows why she is one of my favorite heroines when she lets nothing and no one get between her and her vampire lord. Raphael's enemies fatally underestimate Cyn's reaction to their treachery and it's fun to watch her rally her forces and out-think the bad guys. Reynold's series gets better with each book and I wish I could give this one more than 5 stars.

Read Deception Vampires in America D B Reynolds 9781611945898 Books

Tags : Deception (Vampires in America) [D. B. Reynolds] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. “D.B. Reynolds has outdone herself with this exhilarating story.”—Fresh Fiction on Vincent “Luscious erotic sex scenes are filled with playful banter and deep sensual imagery . . .”– of Vincent Kauai,D. B. Reynolds,Deception (Vampires in America),ImaJinn Books,1611945895,FICTION Fantasy Urban,Fantasy,Fantasy - Paranormal,Fantasy - Urban,Fiction,Fiction - Fantasy,Fiction Fantasy Paranormal,Fiction Romance Paranormal General,Fiction : Fantasy - Paranormal,Fiction : Romance - Paranormal,FictionFantasy - Paranormal,FictionRomance - Paranormal - General,Romance - Paranormal - General,action adventure,paranormal romance,vampire,vampire; paranormal romance; action adventure; betrayal; loyalty; war; treachery; Hawaii; Malibu; kidnapping; magic; alpha hero; kick-ass heroine; rescue; revenge; series

Deception Vampires in America D B Reynolds 9781611945898 Books Reviews

Reviewed by Jaycee for BOOKS 'N COZY SPOTS BOOK REVIEWS, [...]
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Raphael and Cyn are back with a vengeance. The anchoring character in this fabulous ongoing series wherein he has built a North American Vampire Alliance to withstand any threat, Raphael prepares to enter into the lion's den against the old guard vamps from Europe. These challengers are vamps who were already old when he was newly made centuries ago, and there are two main things he can count on now as he plans to halt their attempts to relieve him of his Territory one is that now, as then, they underestimate his true power. And two their arrogant attitude towards humans has all but discounted Cyn as a factor in their intended coup.

It was a pleasure to sit back and watch Cyn go to extremes to save Raphael when he is overtaken by unknown and unexpected methods. Suffice it to say, she dug deep for her inner Tarantino and brought him to bear most effectively. There are few heroines in romantic fiction who kick a$$ as well as she; most certainly she has taken more names by this book's end than all comparable a$$-kickers. Most of it was sheer mind-power and meticulous planning, though her vampire penetrating rounds did not hurt. Well, not for more than a minute, anyway...

There was ample opportunity to delve into the hearts and minds and unexpected depth of many favourite long term characters as well, like security chiefs Juro and Ken, both of whom are so much more than mere defensive-tackles. Elke was a delight, and she probably has the best one-liners in the book, not to mention a hunky human cop-with-benefits hot on her six. His irreverence rivals that of Lucas, and he's as entertaining as he is helpful to the vamp cause. I sense another future story there, and oh wouldn't another female vampire Lord be awesome?? Cyn's former bed-buddy Nick makes a brief but pivotal appearance and leaves plenty of room for an important if not contentious role on Raphael's team.

In the end, Raphael dispatches his enemies by the hundreds with chilling efficiency that, frankly, is totally hot...lets just put that out there, okay. But the threat is far from dispelled and there are sure to be more challenges to The North American Alliance on the horizon.

At least, I hope so, because this terrific series has just taken a turn that is new, suspenseful, and promises to be even more engrossing than events to date. This new direction is enticingly gritty along the lines of Book 2 "Jabril" and I love seeing these most unapologetic vampires in full vamp mode. Bring on more grit, I say...
I am an avid fan of Vampires in America and now that the European vampires are heading to America to encroach on the land they have held for centuries, things should start heating up in the new series of books. My problem here was the excess of sex and what seemed to be a harping in Cyn's fierce desire to rescue Raphael while putting herself through so much angst over how to do that. This character appeared stronger than that in early books so why downplay her this way in this book? Understandably there has to be set up as to how the rescue was going to take place but it seemed to go on, chapter after chapter, until the actual move happened and than wrapped up immediately in a blink of an eye ending with, ta-da, sex in a house where others are walking around and could discover Raphael and Cyn. These two are a great couple and should be pushing for more than just bed action. Cyn is a warrior minded, and this would have been her time to kick butt and not fret about it. Somehow, the impression here was a yo-yo, sometimes she was in control, others not so much. Where I would have finished reading this book in a day, it took a week because I could not stay focused on it. Other readers may not encounter the same problem I had and that's okay because it's down to expecting more from a talented writer other than sex, sex and more sex to fill pages. These characters are solid, which is why this book received 4 stars, and it would be great to see the main characters not going at it like bunnies every couple chapters unless one happens to like that sort of thing. I don't. Lucas was a delightful distraction, wished there had been more of him in Deception, and he has replaced Raphael as my favorite vampire in this series -- he's intense yet humorous and when Juro and him are in the same room, it's adorable. There is a shock with Nick, who appeared at Cyn's lover in the first book and now Juro's twin has a name. Overall, this is still a good book and I am definitely going to continue reading D.B. Reynolds' books. I love vampires and she definitely has a knack for writing them.
In the ninth Vampires in America book, Cyn cleans up Hawaii after a trio of European vampires fires the first salvo in the upcoming Vampire war. Once again, she shows why she is one of my favorite heroines when she lets nothing and no one get between her and her vampire lord. Raphael's enemies fatally underestimate Cyn's reaction to their treachery and it's fun to watch her rally her forces and out-think the bad guys. Reynold's series gets better with each book and I wish I could give this one more than 5 stars.
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