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[TSK]⇒ [PDF] Free Chosen Ones Lost Souls Book One Tiffany Truitt Books

Chosen Ones Lost Souls Book One Tiffany Truitt Books

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Chosen Ones Lost Souls Book One Tiffany Truitt Books

I received an ARC of this book months ago for this blog tour. Unfortunately, the book release date and blog tour got pushed back and so I put off reading it until closer to the blog tour date. Now after reading this book, I really wish I would have read it as soon as I got my hands on it! Dystopias used to be one of my favorite genres, unfortunately a big problem I had with them was that they were at times too bleak and depressing and most of them didn't focus on a love relationship (which is a huge thing for me). Because of this, I was in a bit of a dystopia funk and the last dystopia I attempted to read was a DNF for me (The Lost Code). I was a little bit nervous going into this book, but I was immediately intrigued with the 1st paragraph and I knew this book was going to be different.

Women have lost the ability to give birth and are dying along with their unborn babies. As a solution for the dying race, the council as created the chosen ones, artificial beings with special abilities. But the council and the chosen ones are keeping secrets. Will these secrets help the dying human race or will it only succeed in further destroying them?

Although Tess comes off as cold and heartless at first, I can understand why she feels this way. After losing her sister she feels that love equals a death sentence and she vows to never let herself get close to anyone or care for them. When she begins working at Templeton, she meets James who is a chosen one. Tess is normally afraid by the chosen ones because they are not natural beings and they are too perfect. But when she notices that James has a scar on his chin, she is immediately intrigued by him. She wants to know why he isn't perfect like the others and what he did to get the scar. James isn't like the other chosen ones, he actually acts like a human which leaves him feeling conflicted and at times is hot/cold towards Tess. Soon, all of Tess's reservations about love go out the window as she and James start an intense and dangerous relationship.

While this is a dystopian story, Tiffany does an amazing job of balancing the problems in society with a beautiful romance. I have to admit that certain aspects of this book reminded me of Partials by Dan Wells but with its own unique twist. Although the beginning starts immediately pulls you in, it slows down a bit the first couple chapters but really picks up after that and leaves us with a shocking cliffhanger that puts its sequel, Naturals, one of my most anticipated sequels of 2013. Chosen Ones is a fascinating new dystopia world full of secrets, lies, and betrayals all mixed in with a hot and intense romance!

4.5 out of 5 sparkly stars!

Some of my favorite non-spoiler quotes from Chosen Ones:
-To feel was beyond dangerous.

-Didn't they know this thing was pointless? I couldn't understand why anyone got married anymore. It wasn't a commitment. It was murder.

-Death was expected. There were no exceptions.

-The illusion of choice was all-important. Some people just didn't realize that choice doesn't necessarily mean freedom.

-Stories enabled you to forget your life and your limits. They urged you to reach for a world that was never meant to be yours. There was nothing more dangerous than an imagination.

-Maybe it's better to live in a world you don't understand, because if you understand it, it becomes unbearable.
Read more of my reviews and Author interviews at:
Nereyda @Mostly YA Book Obsessed

Read Chosen Ones Lost Souls Book One Tiffany Truitt Books

Tags : Chosen Ones (Lost Souls, Book One) (9781620610008): Tiffany Truitt: Books,Tiffany Truitt,Chosen Ones (Lost Souls, Book One),Entangled Publishing, LLC,1620610000,FBA-|294112,Dystopian,Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Science Fiction - General,Dystopias,Interpersonal relations;Fiction.,Science fiction,Science fiction.,Teenagers,103702 Entangled Teen Distribution,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fiction,Fiction-Science Fiction,Interpersonal relations,JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION Dystopian,JUVENILE FICTION Science Fiction,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Juvenile FictionLove & Romance,Juvenile FictionScience Fiction - General,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Love & Romance,Monograph Series, any,Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Science Fiction - General,Science Fiction Fantasy (Young Adult),Science fiction,Science fiction (Children's Teenage),Science fiction.,TEEN'S FICTION SCIENCE FICTION,Teenagers,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Dystopian,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Science Fiction General,JUVENILE FICTION Dystopian,JUVENILE FICTION Science Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Fantasy & Magic,Juvenile Fiction Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Juvenile FictionLove & Romance,Juvenile FictionScience Fiction - General,Love & Romance,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Dystopian,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Science Fiction General,Fiction,Interpersonal relations,Science Fiction Fantasy (Young Adult),YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Science fiction (Children's Teenage)

Chosen Ones Lost Souls Book One Tiffany Truitt Books Reviews

A dismal dystopia that will appeal to anyone who enjoyed the stifling sterility of Matched as well as social inequality and injustice of The Hunger Games. By no mean take this to mean that I'm trying to compare Chosen Ones to those other popular series or suggest it's a knock off in anyway, I'm merely hoping to give readers and enthusiasts of the genre an overview to consider coming into this book.

Chosen Ones isn't trying to sell any fantasy about dystopia. There's no pretty face hiding an uglier story. The seamy underbelly is there from the start and the protagonist, Tess, is already damaged from it. It's a broken world featuring the fractured dregs of humanity being gradually replaced by the genetically superior pretty boys - the titular Chosen Ones.

The romantic plot featured in this novel truly appealed to me because it was sincere, awkward and fits well into the repressed premise while remaining engaging.
In a literature landscape inundated with dystopian stories, it takes a special story to shine among the bestsellers and the hype. For me, Chosen Ones is a story that I believe holds its own and shines with its beautiful writing and unique take on genetic engineering and the future we could someday encounter.

The world that Ms. Truitt presents is dark and seemingly hopeless. The violent displays of power put on my the Chosen and the tyranny and oppression forced upon the Naturals is dark and disturbing while being utterly engrossing. So many things are denied to the people of the community that it is heart-breaking. I think what really broke my heart is the most of them knew what they were missing--the taking away of music and literature wasn't a historical phenomenon but something that they had experienced in their lifetime so that they still knew what it was like to play an instrument or read a great book. It added a layer of emotional depth to the story that I felt like I could connect with--I could imagine what it would feel like to be taught to play the piano at a young age and then have all music ripped out from under me.

Tess, our main character, was someone who I connected with on a really deep, personal level. She's locked out emotions because her past has taught her that they lead to heartbreak and destruction--nothing good can come of love. But despite her emotional lockdown, she clearly has a deep-seated love (even if she wouldn't call it that) of music and books, evident in the the above passages. When she meets James, its like all of the emotions that she's been trying to stuff down come to the surface because being with him allows her to once again connect with these things she loved...and to begin to open herself up to other emotional possibilities.

Not everyone will find this world and its inhabitants as engaging as I did--that's just the nature and joy of reading! However, I think that many readers will find themselves pulled in and unable to stop turning the pages until the very end. The language and descriptions struck me as spot-on beautiful. There are moments where I felt like perhaps the author was telling (vs. showing) a bit too much, but it in no way detracted from my personal enjoyment of this novel. Chosen Ones is the start to what I'm sure is going to be a great series.
I received an ARC of this book months ago for this blog tour. Unfortunately, the book release date and blog tour got pushed back and so I put off reading it until closer to the blog tour date. Now after reading this book, I really wish I would have read it as soon as I got my hands on it! Dystopias used to be one of my favorite genres, unfortunately a big problem I had with them was that they were at times too bleak and depressing and most of them didn't focus on a love relationship (which is a huge thing for me). Because of this, I was in a bit of a dystopia funk and the last dystopia I attempted to read was a DNF for me (The Lost Code). I was a little bit nervous going into this book, but I was immediately intrigued with the 1st paragraph and I knew this book was going to be different.

Women have lost the ability to give birth and are dying along with their unborn babies. As a solution for the dying race, the council as created the chosen ones, artificial beings with special abilities. But the council and the chosen ones are keeping secrets. Will these secrets help the dying human race or will it only succeed in further destroying them?

Although Tess comes off as cold and heartless at first, I can understand why she feels this way. After losing her sister she feels that love equals a death sentence and she vows to never let herself get close to anyone or care for them. When she begins working at Templeton, she meets James who is a chosen one. Tess is normally afraid by the chosen ones because they are not natural beings and they are too perfect. But when she notices that James has a scar on his chin, she is immediately intrigued by him. She wants to know why he isn't perfect like the others and what he did to get the scar. James isn't like the other chosen ones, he actually acts like a human which leaves him feeling conflicted and at times is hot/cold towards Tess. Soon, all of Tess's reservations about love go out the window as she and James start an intense and dangerous relationship.

While this is a dystopian story, Tiffany does an amazing job of balancing the problems in society with a beautiful romance. I have to admit that certain aspects of this book reminded me of Partials by Dan Wells but with its own unique twist. Although the beginning starts immediately pulls you in, it slows down a bit the first couple chapters but really picks up after that and leaves us with a shocking cliffhanger that puts its sequel, Naturals, one of my most anticipated sequels of 2013. Chosen Ones is a fascinating new dystopia world full of secrets, lies, and betrayals all mixed in with a hot and intense romance!

4.5 out of 5 sparkly stars!

Some of my favorite non-spoiler quotes from Chosen Ones
-To feel was beyond dangerous.

-Didn't they know this thing was pointless? I couldn't understand why anyone got married anymore. It wasn't a commitment. It was murder.

-Death was expected. There were no exceptions.

-The illusion of choice was all-important. Some people just didn't realize that choice doesn't necessarily mean freedom.

-Stories enabled you to forget your life and your limits. They urged you to reach for a world that was never meant to be yours. There was nothing more dangerous than an imagination.

-Maybe it's better to live in a world you don't understand, because if you understand it, it becomes unbearable.
Read more of my reviews and Author interviews at
Nereyda @Mostly YA Book Obsessed
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